Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Improving Your Health For a Fulfilling Life

Exercise is essential for being healthy.

Our health is obviously very important, however a lot of people seem to overlook the perfect functionality of our organs until something goes wrong or stops working. This shouldn’t be the case.
In order to lead a happy, fulfilling and healthy life, it is important to maintain our health the best we can in order to prevent avoidable illnesses. The changes you make can be drastic or small, but no matter how small they are sure to improve your life.
One of the most common ways to improve health that is vastly talked about is drinking more water -- this isn’t overrated. Water is needed by the body in order to carry out the simplest functions and without it, the body can start to fail. We are made up of 60% water and it is important to keep hydrated. Headaches are just one way of our bodies telling us we aren’t drinking enough and that these signs should be acknowledged.
Make sure you check your weight and your BMI. A healthy BMI should be between 20-25 and everything over is classed as overweight. Being overweight can bring numerous health problems, including heart disease and cancer. You should visit a GP if your BMI means you are classed as overweight as they can recommend different ways of reducing it, allowing for a healthier life.
Exercise is one way to reduce your BMI and although it may require motivation, doing just 30 minutes a day is likely to be beneficial. However, it is important that you don’t overdo it; swimming is a great form of exercise as it is can act as a full bodywork out. Running is good for those who have built up strength and the feeling is great when you complete a thirty-minute run.
Smoking is one of the unhealthiest habits and although it can be extremely difficult to quit, it is important in order to improve your quality of life and ultimately your health. There are various nicotine replacement therapies available and although some may not find these effective electronic cigarettes have been introduced and are people are seeing the benefits of using them to help them beat their smoking addiction. E cigs shouldn’t be used as nicotine replacement but the strength of nicotine can be changed to suit personal needs, allowing you to lower it as time goes on.
Alcohol can also be a very big problem, however not many people realise they are drinking too much. It can cause numerous problems, especially to the liver and the recommended 21 units a week is often exceeded. Women should drink no more than 14 units a week and have 2 days a week that is alcohol free. In order to drink less, you could choose to have a soft drink in between every drink containing alcohol, which will reduce your consumption. 

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